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Links to Timely Help

No matter where you live, or what you do, it’s clear to all of us COVID-19 is affecting our daily lives, and how we communicate with family, friends and everyone we deal with in our community. Like others, your Conservation District and NRCS office are practicing social distancing to help prevent spread of this dreadful virus.

If you find you are staying close to home with time to consider your options for best care of your land, this might be a good time to look closer at practices and programs that can help you.

Click on the links below to find helpful information:

  • In videotaped roundtable discussions, 8 Soil Health producers share their difficulties farming wet soils in South Dakota last year, along with what changes they may make this year

  • 2019 South Dakota Cropping Systems Inventory. Explains weather-related cropping problems last year and benefits of healthy soils Full report printable spread

  • Tree and grass planting season is upon us—supplying and planting trees and grasses are one of the important services conservation districts offer to landowners. To get more information and phone or email contact information for your conservation district, click on this link

  • Find more links to technical and financial assistance information on the website developed specifically for NOLOs at as well as contact information for your conservation district

  • Technical specialists with the USDA NRCS are respecting social distancing and are available by phone or email for answering questions. Visit to find the latest COVID19 operational status and a directory with your local office and employee contact information.

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