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"Our Amazing Grasslands" video series - February 2023 - Breyer and Wollschlager Families

Updated: May 10, 2023

In this eight-minute video, the South Dakota Grassland Coalition visits with the Breyer and Wollschlager families in Strandburg, South Dakota. The Breyer and Wollschlager families have a multi-generational relationship rooted in shared goals for the land. Working together, the families have created a lasting legacy of conservation on the South Dakota landscape.

"The landlord/tenant relationship started with Chuck’s [Wollschlager] father-in-law, Melvin Swenson, and my dad [Dwayne Breyer]. Melvin and dad farmed together for over 50 years, which is a long time. I think that’s pretty important. And then it went to Chuck; and now Chuck has been in the picture for 20 years or more. And so, it’s been a lifelong deal between our family and their family and I think that’s pretty neat.” - John Breyer

About the video series

The “Our Amazing South Dakota Grasslands” campaign was created in 2018 with the goal of better communicating the importance and value of grasslands and soil resources throughout the state. This campaign strives to better show what South Dakota farmers and ranchers are doing to protect and enhance these resources. Each video was created utilizing footage from interviews with South Dakota farmers and ranchers and showcases footage of their farming and ranching operations.

If you missed the previous "Our Amazing Grassland" story, the link is below:

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