PIERRE, SD – The South Dakota Soil Health Coalition has announced the 2022 Soil Health Demonstration Student Video Contest, open to all K-12 students in South Dakota.
The first place entry will receive $1,000, and the second place entry will receive $500.
This contest is a chance for students to show off their grasp of soil health concepts and earn money to further their soil health journeys. If the video demonstrates soil health, then it qualifies. This includes rainfall simulations, water infiltration tests, “soil your undies” tests, slump tests, slake tests, etc. Students are encouraged to be creative with scripts and video editing.
The deadline for the contest is Oct. 14, 2022. If students have questions or need specific supplies for their demonstration, they can contact the Coalition at sdsoilhealth@gmail.com or 605-280-4190.
Learn more about the contest and download entry forms at www.sdsoilhealthcoalition.org/2022-video-contest.